Apr 25, 2010

New Beginings

Been too long since I wrote in here!

Lots has happened!
We sold our unit in Jan 2010 and moved into a lovely house with a pool...which we all love!
Everyone has settled in, including the cats which I was worried about.

Hannah started pre-school and loves it!
She has her first problem..a boy called Nate who pokes his tongue out at her :)

Hannah's Uncle Ronny and Lee moved to Qld last week. Hannah will miss them :(

Both Mark and I are struggling to cope with our shifts and are like ships in the night!

Hannah has been asking for a sister :( Nothing happening on that side of things :(
Hope to change that for her sake...don't want her getting too spoilt ;)

Hannah is such a sweet girl

We just love her to death ...even if she does creep into our beds almost every night at some ungodly hr !

Sep 7, 2009

Been over a month since I wrote anything...Been a busy month working lots and viewing potential homes.
Really thought I was pregnant this month but as it turned out...I am not :(

I have been told by Mark that 40 is the cut off. I am 38 later this month. Somehow I always thought I would have another by now.

Hannah is growing into such a beautiful little girl. She is so well behaved and so polite for such a little girl. She has come out with some hilarious things...For Heaven's sake is one!
Nothing like a little parrot to let me know what I go around saying! Scary !

Hannah is swimming like a champ and wants to be a Dr when she grows up... Wouldn't surprise either!
She loves stethoscopes and the local Dr said he would get her a old one to play with :)

Today the sun is shining and after Hannah goes to swimming lessons we will go to the park for a play...
I love nothing better than to see her play with other kids in the park..it's so cute hearing her little voice interact.

Aug 1, 2009

Hannah has her first adventure away from Daddy and Mummy. This is the longest we haven't seen her for and to be honest I hate the silence!
She went to the Entrance with Ronny and Lee and watched the Pelican's and went on a Merry Go Round and stayed over night in a cabin.
She should be back sometime this arvo and I can't wait to see her darling little face and feel her hug and kiss me back...She'll say...Hi mummy, Nice to see you :) That is one of her new quotes. Very sweet!
I just feel that I love her more everyday!
I could never imagine life without her.
She is my sunshine.

Jul 30, 2009

Today is looking better by the minute. Early this morning there was dark clouds that yelled... Rain
It's almost 9.20 am and Hannah is Still asleep! She was up through the nite and has a temp. Two of her play friends have been confirmed as having swine flu so I am hoping she doesn't get it.
Poor chook has been sick 3 times in the last 6 wks and my heart just breaks at her trying to breath with a blocked nose.
I spent half the night curled up on her bed with her.
The place is so quite now. I am used to excited screams of play school starting and being told..I don't want no more breakfast.
Her happy chatter.

How my world would end if I could never hear that again.

Jul 12, 2009

Had a couple of days away. Went to Tumut and took Hannah to the snow where we had snow fights :) We stayed with a old friend, Ruth. She has been widowed for almost 2 yrs now and gets lonely. She is almost deaf which isolates her even more.
It's amazing how some time away can rejuvenate the soul!

Hannah had a great time playing with Ruth's dogs and feeding the ducks and a horse a piece of bread. The scenery is out of this world down there. The white caped landscape looked like a bride dressed for her wedding day and the sky was as blue and shared the sky with nothing else.

Mark made yellow snow and I almost did :)

Love getting away!

Jun 25, 2009

Today I woke to the news that a famous Icon Michael Jackson died.
I am shocked and saddened. I wonder if he truly ever loved and accepted himself.
So sad for his children :(

Life is short!

No-one knows when it will be our last day...

Jun 24, 2009

Today we have a house of sickness :(

Hannah and I have chest infections and aren't too happy.
Hannah has eaten like a sparrow in the last 2 days and trying to get her medication into her is like a full blown work out and then most of it ends up in her hair !
I rang up sick for my night shift tonite...1st sickie in ages, can't remember the last one I had so...stuff it. I'd rather be home when Hannah is sick anyway.

Watched the footy last night...what a joke that was!
NSW throwing the game away...um you are supposed to hold onto the ball ! This isn't a mates game at the local park ya know. Think I'll count the Gray hairs instead of watching the 3rd.

Just got the results back fron my b/t ...negitive... Gee who would of guessed :(
Now it's onto another 1oomg of Physco drug...where my other Personalilites rare their ugly heads lol

Sitting here watching Hannah, feeling totally blessed. Still can hardly believe we have her.
What a gift!